Saturday, December 4, 2010

Texas TCEQ Required To Update GHG Permit Program Under Tailoring Rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving forward with its plan to require certain states to update their Clean Air Act implementation plans to cover greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These updates are required to ensure that beginning in January 2011 the largest industrial GHG emissions sources can receive permits. This action is part of EPA’s “Tailoring Rule”.

Texas is one of 13 states that EPA has identified need to make changes to their plans, allowing them to issue permits that include GHG emissions. These states include: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, and Wyoming.

The Clean Air Act requires states to develop EPA-approved implementation plans that include requirements for issuing air permits. When federal permitting requirements change, as they did after EPA finalized the GHG tailoring rule, states may need to modify these plans.

In January 2011, industries that are large emitters of GHGs, and are planning to build new facilities or make major modifications to existing ones, will work with permitting authorities to identify and implement the most efficient control technologies to minimize their GHGs. This includes the largest GHG emitters, such as power plants, refineries and cement production facilities. Emissions from small sources are not covered by these GHG permitting requirements.

Related links:
Proposed EPA GHG Tailoring Rule

Additional background on greenhouse gas GHG permitting requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Texas to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to prepare compliance programs, including SWPPP Plans, SPCC Plans prepared to meet TCEQ requirements.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

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